The noun 'games' is a countable noun, the plural form of the singular noun 'game'.
The word 'games' is also the third person, singular of the verb to game.
The word 'games' is both a noun and a verb.The noun 'games' is the plural form of the singular noun 'game', a word for a form of play or sport.The verb 'games' is the third person, singular present of the verb to 'game', meaning to play games of chance for money, to gamble; to play video or computer games; to manipulate in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous; a word for an action.Note: The noun 'game' as a word for wild animals hunted for sport or food is an uncountable noun with no plural form.The word 'game' is also an adjective.
The noun 'games', the plural form of the noun 'game', is a common noun as a general word for a form of play or sport, for enjoyment or competition.The noun 'games' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept.
The noun 'game' is a common noun, but the title of a game is a proper noun. For example: "Solitaire" is a proper noun
Games are activities, and activities are neither abstract nor concrete. A game to mean the collection of equipment and rules (such as found in a boxed game) would be a concrete noun.
There is an uncountable count of the nether fortresses in the nether!
Transport is both countable and uncountable as a noun.
The noun 'steel' is an uncountable (mass) noun, a word for a substance.
Shark is a countable noun.
The noun 'daytime' is an uncountable noun.
The noun 'animal' is a countable noun. The plural form is animals.
Prawn - prawns is the plural - is a countable noun
Pasta is a countable noun
The word 'violence' is an uncountable noun.
The gerund painting is a countable noun, as in "There are 12 paintings in this room."