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i think tht it is a physical move because it causes movment

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Q: Is earthquake a physical move in gen iii Pokemon games?
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Can eathquake ohko in Pokemon?

Earthquake can OHKO, yes, but it's not specifically an OHKO move. It is, however, a powerful move, so it's a good move to teach a Ground-type Pokemon or a Pokemon with a high physical attack that can learn it.

What Does Earthquake move do in a Pokemon battle?

The move Earthquake make the ground rumble and every other Pokemon's hp falls also if in a double battle your other Pokemon will be affected too.

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What is the strongest ground move in Pokemon?

Fissure, if not counting 1 hit KOs its earthquake. Earthquake is my favourite, hitting digging pokemon.

Which Pokemon has earthquake in Pokemon Vortex?

i do not think there is one but if you have enough money you can buy the move

Where is the move earthquake in Pokemon Blue?

you can get it from a civillian in the slip co

What is a popular earthquake?

The pokemon move. ( It's super effective)

Which Pokemon should you use to beat Sabrina in soulsilver?

Anything with high attack, and a good physical move. Examples: Flareon/Earthquake, Dragonite/Fly, Tyrannitar/Crunch. Crunch is the BEST MOVE ever when you're trying to beat psychics. Strategy: JUST BOMB HER POKEMON WITH PHYSICAL ATTACKS! HI-YAH!

What is better in fire red earthquake or dragon claw?

Earthquake is power 100, and also a physical move. Dragon Claw has lower power (80) but is a special attack, and only resisted by steel types. It depends on the pokemon you'd be teaching this to.

What level does aggron learn earthquake in Pokemon sapphire?

The Pokemon Aggron is the final evolution of the Pokemon Lairon, which evolves at level 42. It is not able to learn the move Earthquake through leveling, but it can be taught Earthquake using TM26 at any time.

What do you need to do to fight 8 gym leader Pokemon diamond?

a Pokemon with a good ground type move like earthquake

What is weakness to weezing on Pokemon indigo?

Any ground type move or psychic type move like Earthquake and Psychic.