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It is real, fun, and 100% Compatible with the DSi!

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How do you get dsitube?

Just go to the dsitube of home4dsi, just type in your dsi browser:

How do you put a pic in dsitube?


What is dsitube?

DSiTube is an application that comes on your Nintendo DSi that allows you to watch YouTube videos. You will have to have an internet connection and then you can access any video on YouTube.

Is dsitube ever going to come out?

No it's fake.

Can you listen to music on the dsi browser?

You can get Dsitube its youtube made for dsi

Can you hear sound on dsitube?

No you cannot! DSi's web browser does not support sound!

When will the dsitube come out and will it work on a dsi?

I had heard that it will come on April 24 2010 and I am hoping it will be.

Can you watch YouTube on dsi?

Yes you can. Just click on this link http:/wwwzperiodzdsitubezperiodzwebszperiodzcom . when there click on the dsitube logo at the top.

Are they going to make ayoutube app for dsi?

heh, doubt it. they have flipnote hatena, sorry if this makes you mad. but you have to take allot! of pics of yer self doing stuff to make a vid. go on yer dsi, then internet. go to dsitube. you click on it and it will send ya to webs. tried it. and its not real sorry

When does dsitube come out?

It's not going to. But there is something better! Its called home4dsi! Its the same, but better and also doesn't overload your memory on your dsi because it is short and simple. Copy and paste the URL below to go to it.

What are fun sites for dsi browser?

You can visit all websites on the Nintendo DSi that don't use Adobe Flash or Shockwave as its main feature.You can go on DSIcade, ibooks, DSItube and more.

How do you download DSiTube 1.3?

go to your ds browser and go to search then type in home4dsi then tap search and then go to dsi tube then dsi tube again and then select a catogory then it should say down load dsi tube (or just watch youtube) thanks for reading!