It is somewhat subjective if Donphan is a good Pokemon. Most would not consider him that good for competitive play.
in unexpected dates.
Yes, it evolves at level 25 into Donphan :)
you can't get any in soul silver, in heart gold you can
i do not watch Pokemon much so i do not know and ash is an idiotic dork
You can't catch Phanpy or Donphan in Soul Silver; they're only in Heart Gold.
Phanpy is the pre-evolution of Donphan.
Donphan does not evolve.
No. Donphan is the final evolution of Phanphy.
it is a good team, but in my opinion, i would replace donphan with either breloom or flygon, and ludicolo with shiftry
blazican donphan dodrio walrien gyarados groudon
Donphan was made three years after Pokemon 3 was made
You get Donphan by walking Victory Road and get its pre evolution Phanpy as well.
Donphan is #232 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ground type Pokemon.
In my opinion I would choose Donphan
it evolves into donphan
No, unless it was bred and its parents both know Thunder.