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Do you have it because most are fakes. If you have it and you can open it it works. It might be illegal because you are not paying for the membership which is like $60 AUD for 12 months and your getting it for free.

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Q: Is cp membership generator illegal
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Related questions

Where can you download a cp membership code generator?

There is no way getting a code generator, I even tried finding a cp membership generator it took me hours to find but they are all FAKE and they don't work those FAKE cp generators will try to make u mad...I too get mad while I am searching..

Is moshi membership generator illegal?

yes because your actually not buying the cards so its like stealing

What is the CP Generator activation key?

If you meant the Programme that is a Blue Box With the Title CP Generator, the key is : D136CA49C19BB0D126DC .

What is a membership code for cp?


How can you get a free membership on cp without prizerebel or cp trainer and systems?

You can NOT!!!!

Can I have a cp membership code please?


Cp How do you get black puffle without membership?

w/ cp trainer 2

Can you get me a free member acc on cp?

Yes. Go on and click on free membership. It is on the top.

Is cp blizzard illegal?

no it is not illegal but it can get you ban

How do you know when your cp membership is out?

Usually once you purchase your membership it will say when it will expire.

Give you a Club Penguin membership code?

the cp membership code is :1144595683903441

How do you get a membership in CP?

Go to your local market and get it there.