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It's a Trojan. My McAfee said that it found no significant problems BUT when you begin to download it, it turns red. Luckily, I cancelled the Download and, believe it or not, there were two trojans hidden there. If you intend on using your computer, and not risking it just to get a million gold pieces in AQ or Runescape, do NOT go to and download anything. JMM It's a Trojan. My McAfee said that it found no significant problems BUT when you begin to download it, it turns red. Luckily, I cancelled the Download and believe it or not, there were two trojans hidden there. If you intend on using your computer, and not risking it just to get a million gold pieces in AQ or Runescape, do NOT go to and download anything.

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Q: Is a Trojan site or is it legit?
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Is Pokemon Crater safe?

The site is safe based on preventing younger players to be spoken to with harsh language and be offended. The site initially is not completely safe from recieiving Trojans. Usuing Windows Live one care, and Norton 360 it discovered that the site is legit, but does contain many holes allowing viruses. The ads on the site, and even going on the site is so unsecure that your chances of recieiving a bad Trojan is great. Its recommended that you don't play if you don't wish to receive Viruses. Overal the site is very unsecure and very unsafe for your computer, but very safe for online chatting for the younger players.

Is this a legit site or scam?

You can find out if they are legit or a scam by checking their information. This includes the registration information of the business, whether the website provides real products and services. Of course, you can also test and place an order yourself to confirm that they have legitimate payment channels and shipping plans. These necessary information can be well explained in BabaReplica through their "About Us", so they are legitimate websites.

In pokemon platinum, if you hacked, send your legit pokemon to a friend and start new save then transfer the legit pokemon back are the legit pokemon hacked?

legit means not hacked.

What happens if a Pokemon is not legit?

It depends on the Pokémon in question. If it's a good non-legit then nothing will happen but if it's a bad non-legit then it could become a Bad Egg which can ruin your game.

How do you get a legit mystic ticket?

by cheating by cheating by cheating

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Is a Trojan site or is it legit?

My McAfee Site Advisor tested the site and "didn't find any significant problems" so at least it isn't an email spam site. Like any other site, you download files and programs at your own risk. At least one of the downloads on there is a virus that wiped out all the programs on my friend's computer. All that was left was Internet Explorer.

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If referring online, there is a free site which is called USCIS, which is a government website which gives legit lawyer reviews. Another site to see for legit lawyer reviews is research lawyers website.

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