

Is brain Lara accept Islam

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Is brain Lara accept Islam
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Why brain Lara accept Islam?

Yes, its a very good question. Each one of us should ask this question and should look into the causes which took Lara to accept Islam. I am sure after studying it throughly everyone of us will come to only one conclusion that Islam is the right path. There is no other religion that covers human life like Islam does. Regards.

Is brain Lara converted to Islam?

Yes, Alhamdulillah

Is brain Lara become Muslim?

yes he accepted Islam and converted to Muslim

Did Brian Lara convert to Islam?

Nope.Brian Lara rejected islam community

Did Brian Lara Accepted Islam?

Yes he has accepted Islam

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mashallah i heard that great peoples like akon,brain Lara,michal jackso entered in Islam through da great scholar of Islam moulana tariq jameel shahab.

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Is brain Lara muslim?


Did Brian Lara accept Islam plase give you proof?

My name is Khuram Akram from Pakistan , city Gujrat. It is false that Brain has become Muslim. It is a rumour. Ok people Brian Lara has not become Muslim. How about we fear Allah and desist from the baseless rumors. It has been confirmed (sic) that Brian Lara is not a Muslim, and this has been confirmed by Ilyaas bhai (from Masjid-e-Quba, Bradford) as he spoke to both Saeed Anwar and Junaid Jamshaid. Make pray that Brian Lara accepts Islam before he passes away from this world. Ameen.

Which country is Brain Lara from?

West Indies.

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If Brian Lara is converted in Islam so what his new name?

i want to know about brian Lara converted to Islam if alhamdulilah if not mey all ah give him hidaayh and sow him wright path .