

Best Answer

Yes . It is the v.... of the Shiva . The crusher . The destroyer . The simple for anti God . Or the evil and lewd stepmother that her verginity is torning . Dissenting the allseeing eye of christ the savior the cyclops . And she just beaten by himself .

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Q: Is black stone the vagina of Allah?
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Why is ka'bah important to the religion of Islam?

Cause it is the house of Allah (S.W.T) (God) and it is the place were the Black Stone is.

Why did Prophet Muhammad kiss the black stone?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was inspired by God (Allah in Arabic) to kiss the black stone in Kaaba. All Muslims, when they kiss this stone, they kiss it not as respect or worship for the stone itself but in obedience to their prophet (PBUH) and, hence, in obedience to Allah (God in English). It's narrated about the companion Omar Ben Al-Khattab that he kissed the black stone at pilgrimage & said while kissing it what means in English: " I do know that you are a stone, neither you benefit nor harm, unless I saw the prophet kissing you I wouldn't kiss you".

What is ka'bar?

it is a big black bosxs that has a magic stone (sent from allah) inside it muslims walk areound it 7 times durin hajj

Why do Muslims pray to the black stone at Mecca?

Muslims never pray to the black stone at Mecca or to any being in the universe. They pray to only Allah (God in English) as the one and only one God with no son, no partner, no companion, and no associate. The black stone is only kissed by Muslims; if they can reach it; following the practice of prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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When was The Black Stone created?

The Black Stone was created in 1931-11.

How big is a black woman's vagina?

Same as a caucassians or any other race vagina

When was Black Stone Cherry created?

Black Stone Cherry was created in 2001.

Did Abraham kiss the black stone?

yes the Abraham kiss the black stone

What stone is present in Pakistan?

black stone

Where does the black stone located?

The black stone is located at Mecca at one corner of the kabaa

Why do Muslims turn to mekkah to pray?

because that it is where the ka'aba is which is "allah's house" or the stone sent from god