It's better on both of them than the Wii or DS otherwise your system set up is more important than console choice
sell your xbox 360 because ps3 are better
i think xbox elite but there is a better xbox-the slim
i should say ps3 has better graphics then xbox 360 cause the game is more clear on ps3 but then xbox360 is sumwhat blurry at some time depends what games it is.
gay station 3 XBOX RULES!
its better on xbox 360
The ps3 is not better than xbox 360. Whatever ps3 has, xbox 360 has it better.
The name does not describe a model of Xbox 360
this is a fact ps3 is way better than xbox 360
for xbox 360 ofcorce. xbox 360 is better than ps3
The PS3 of course
PS3 slightly, although Xbox 360 is the better console
iv got an xbox 360 but i think ps3 is better.
ps3 is alot better than xbox 360
pf ft ps3 has worst graphics xbox 360 has better graphics xbox 360 lasts longer xbox 360 has better online play and that is why PS3 SUCKS compared to XBOX 360 if you disagree well you are plain out wrong
Xbox 360