

Best Answer

Big Fish games is free from viruses; both my mother and I have had accounts with them for a few years on Mac and Windows. Sometimes an antivirus software will think it a virus, but that's based on their databases and application settings.

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Q: Is big fish games free from viruses?
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Related questions

Are there viruses in big fish games?

Most likely, yes. because there can be viruses in anything.

Is big fish games free?


Where can I get free unlock codes for Big Fish Games?

If Big Fish Games want you to have a free unlock code, they will post it on their web site.

How can you get free Game credits on big fish games?

By purchasing other big fish games after you complete your punch card you are awarded a free game.

How can someone search for free downloadable games?

One can search for free downloadable games at many gaming websites such as Shockwave, Big Fish Games, Pogo, and Gametop. Always remember to only download from reputable sites and to check all downloads for spyware or viruses.

Is big fish games for free?

yeah it is but if u want to own it buy it

Is big fish games good?

yes it's very good. you should look for codes online to see if there are any free games and then download them. but first you need a big fish games account.

Where can a person play free online hidden object games?

There is plenty of websites that offer to play free online hidden object games. The best games are at Big Fish. One can find anything he likes at Big Fish. One can also buy a game there.

Where to find free scrabble download?

Google, big fish games. Check that website

Where can you download free moon tycoon?

You can not legally download the game Moon Tycoon for free.The demo is available for free from Big Fish Games and the full version of the game can be purchased from Big Fish as well.See related links for the games page.

What site has the most free games?

There are several web sites that offer free games. Some of the most popular sites are Free Ride Games, Big Fish Games, Pogo, Addicting Games, and Facebook games.

Big fish games without downloading?

Big fish Games is a website where you aaaaalways download the games. You can play them free (i recommend the hidden objects, especially agatha christie games.) in a 60 minute trial or buy the games for about ten pounds.