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Q: Is ash's staraptor a girl
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Is ash's staraptor a boy or girl?

Ash's staraptor is a girl

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Id say its Pikachu Torterra Infernape Staraptor Sceptile Gliscor Charizard Bulbasaur Squirtle Noctowl and Swellow

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The Memory Remains from the ReLoad album.

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arr man what is ashs bulbasaurs favo move?i think its rasour leaf.

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no its latias

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you do not

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staraptor, no question

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When does staraptor evolve diamond?

Staraptor cannot evolve but you can evolve a staravia into staraptor and im not sure what level

Where can you find staraptor in diamond?

You cannot find Staraptor in the wild. You will have to get a Staravia to Level 34 and it will evolve into Staraptor.