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Not necessarily, as there are a few genuine monsters with 5000 ATK and DEF, namely Dragon Master Knight, Malefic Truth Dragon and Five-Headed Dragon.

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Q: Is a yugioh card with 5000 ATK and 5000 DEF a fake card?
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How many attack points does the most powerful Yugioh card have?

In terms of stats, Dragon Master Knight and Five-Headed Dragon each have 5000 ATK and DEF.

What is the yugioh card called that switches atk and def?

'Shield and Sword', a Normal Spell Card, can do that.

Is there a YuGiOh card stronger than Dragon Master Knight?

Dragon Master Knight has the joint highest printed ATK of 5000, sharing it with Five-Headed Dragon. there is armatyle; the one combined card of all 3 sacred beasts. it has zero atk at first, but gains 10,000 atk during YOUR TURN ONLY

What is the highest attack on a yu gi oh card that's permanent?

The highest original (printed) ATK of any YuGiOh! Card is 5000 ATK. This can be found on 5 different cards - 3 Dragon-type monsters and 2 Machine-type monsters: 1) Dragon Master Knight (Dragon/Fusion/Effect - 5000 ATK/DEF) 2) Malefic Truth Dragon (Dragon/Effect - 5000 ATK/DEF) 3) Five-Headed Dragon (Dragon/Fusion/Effect - 5000 ATK/DEF) 4) Rocket Arrow Express (Machine/Effect - 5000 ATK/0 DEF) 5) Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer (Machine/Xyz/Effect - 5000 ATK/2000 DEF) Notably there has never been a 5000 ATK Synchro Monster, and also notable is that the Dragon-type 5000 ATK monsters have greater DEF than the Machine-types.

What is the Yugioh series after Yugioh 5ds?

it is yugioh zexal its still in japan not many people know about it. kabia has 3000 atk monster but the rival in yugioh zexal like kaibia is reverse dragon 2000 atk but it gains 500 atk for each card you send to the grave yard. just to tell you it is way different from 5d gx and orgenal.The series also have a type of card called Xyz monsters.their stars are oon the left instead ot the right.They stand for ranks of these new monsters the answer above isn't wrong but yugioh zexal is in the usa now

Is there a 'Red-Eyes White Dragon' Yu-Gi-Oh card with 5000 ATK?

There is no such card of that name.

What atk does red eyes b dragon have Yugioh?

2400 atk 2000 def

If a question mark is over a cards atk in yugioh what is the atk of that card?

it means that they might have a special effect like the Calculator has a ? in its attack its effect being this card gains attack points equal to the tolal level of all monster on your side of the field x300

What is the best attack yo-gi-oh card?

The monster card with the "best"/highest ATK would be Dragon Master Knight, Five-Headed Dragon/ F.G.D., and Malefic Truth Dragon. All three monsters have 5000 ATK.

Exodia the Dark Master ATK points?

There is no legitimate card called Exodia the Dark Master. It is a well-known fake, and has 'Infinite' for attack, which is indication enough that the card is fake.

In yugioh trading cards is sea dragon of darkness have 18000 atack?

There is no such card as Sea Dragon of Darkness. It sounds like a fake version of Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness, whose Japanese name literally translates to Sea Dragon Soldier of Darkness. It has 1800 ATK, anything claiming to have 18,000 is also clearly fake.

Is ther a Yu-Gi-Oh card called ten headed dragon?

no but there is a Five Headed Dragon[Dragon/Fusion/Effect] ATK/5000 DEF/5000