I have a stoutland and its my favorite non legendary Pokemon but Reshiram and Zekrom both are the strongest Pokemon on black and white. This is the link to see the srongest and fastest ETC.
The best place is probably in victory road or the route before it because of the high level Pokemon and if your asking there is no v.s seeker in Pokemon black an white
the best way for me to power level low level Pokemon is to give it an exp. share and go to the elite for with some kickass Pokemon, works best with Pokemon thet are really low level
Arceus the alpha Pokemon, it created pokemonand its base stats is the highest over any other Pokemon, Its the best Pokemon on paper, but when you play with it its not the BEST Pokemon out there. If you level all Pokemon to level 100 then Arceus would be the best, at level 100 it learns the move jugment. Also, if you catch a high level Pokemon, like a level 70 lugia, then level it up to 100, it wont be as stroung as if you got a level 20 lugia and level it up to 100, this is because the Pokemon earn more stats when you train them and not as much in the wild. So its best to get slightly lower level Pokemon, not the highest. Now, the best Pokemon in Pokemon hh and ss. This is only the best one avaulable to catch, without cheats or trading. The best Pokemon is probobly Lugia.
route 205 for Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum. the trainers have Pokemon from level 10 to level 17
That is a matter of opinion... But seeing that I have one, I have to agree!
Good Question: Stoutland Braviery Samurott Excadrill Heatmor ALL THE LEGENDARIES. Watchog Zebstrika ALL DRAGON TYPES. + many more (but these are the best).
Victory Road.
black city or white forest
I personally think that the best Pokemon in Pokemon black is Reshiram because he is the legendary!
The best new ability in Pokemon Black is Illusion.
The best place is probably in victory road or the route before it because of the high level Pokemon and if your asking there is no v.s seeker in Pokemon black an white
the best way for me to power level low level Pokemon is to give it an exp. share and go to the elite for with some kickass Pokemon, works best with Pokemon thet are really low level
it depends what level they are. if its not strong enough to battle, give it exp share and go to the league to battle with a stronger pokemon. or if its level is 30 - 40, battle at route 7 where it looks like this
Zekrom level 100 Arceus level 100 Kyurem level 100. Transfer Giratina level 100 dialga level 100 azelf level 100
At the Pokemon league.