No, but it is classified as a psuedo-legendary, which is fake-legendary.
Pseudo-legendary pokemon is a term use for pokemon whose stats are all 90 and above. They all have really high speed, attacks and HP. Put it this way, there is a classification in-between legendary and non legendary pokemon. They are... the pseudo legendaries! I am the proud owner of a pseudo-legendary pokemon--Garchomp. There are only six pseudo- legendary pokemon so far- Hydreigon, Garchomp, Metagross, Salamence, Tyrannitar and Dragonite.
I would choose Hydreigon. It is really powerful.
You can't find a zweilous or a hydreigon I either games you have to evolve deinos . Fist at level54 it will evolve to zweilous then like another 10 levels then you got a hydreigon
zweilous evolves into hydreigon at level 64.
Yes, Deino, which evolves into Zweilous, then Hydreigon
If your looking for a legendary Pokemon then Darkrai. Otherwise,I suggest Umbreon,scrafty,hydreigon, or zoroark .
Nothing is after Hydreigon; it is the last evolution.
You cannot catch Hydreigon on Pokemon White.
1. Garchomp 2. Hydreigon 3. Tyrantior 4. Salamence 5. Dragonite
Pseudo-legendary pokemon is a term use for pokemon whose stats are all 90 and above. They all have really high speed, attacks and HP. Put it this way, there is a classification in-between legendary and non legendary pokemon. They are... the pseudo legendaries! I am the proud owner of a pseudo-legendary pokemon--Garchomp. There are only six pseudo- legendary pokemon so far- Hydreigon, Garchomp, Metagross, Salamence, Tyrannitar and Dragonite.
mine is Excalivereveryone elses is DragoniteDragonFlyingDragonairDragonDratiniDragonTyranitarRockDarkPupitarRockGroundLarvitarRockGroundSalamenceMetagrossDragonFlyingSteelPsychicShelgonMetangDragonSteelPsychicBagonBeldumDragonSteelPsychicGarchompDragonGroundGabiteDragonGroundGibleDragonGroundHydreigonDarkDragonZweilousDarkDragonDeinoDarkDragonfor having high stats and being a Pseudo-legendary Pokémon
I would choose Hydreigon. It is really powerful.
Every legendary Pokémon in the games Every Pseduo legendary (Dragonite Tyranitar Salamence Garchomp Hydreigon Metagross Goodra) Along with Slaking the strongest non-legendary Pokémon Arcanines base stat total is 555
Hydreigon is #635 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dark-Dragon type Pokemon.
you cannot find hydreigen in Pokemon white but you can get deino in victory road it evolves into zwelious at level50 and then into hydreigon at level64