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No. Republic Commando can only be played on PC computers and Xbox

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Q: Is Star Wars republic commando on the PS3?
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Is star wars republic commando going to be on the PS3?

Proably not but who knows......

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Doubtful, but it would make a kick-a** PS3 game.

Is republic commandos 2 for ps3?

No Star Wars Republic Commando was a PC and Xbox game and is not available in a new version for any system

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ive been wondering the same thing for ages ratchet and clank has a good variety of weapons i have that game but halo is just awesome resistance haze and killzone are ps3 games but they are MA games i havent tryed but look good are:M.A.G ps3,star wars republic commando i think is on ps2 or xbox but the closest ive got is star wars battlefront 2 it is a awesome game with good guns troops to choose from. you can switch to first person in the game options menu. hope this helps :)

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