Oh, isn't that a fun question! Silver the Hedgehog isn't evil, my friend. He's actually a kind-hearted and gentle soul who wants to make the world a better place. Just like Silver, we all have the power to choose kindness and spread positivity wherever we go.
Yes, he is evil.
Silver The Hedgehog. He is a hedgehog that can fly. Rumor has it, Silver and Blaze the cat like each other and are a couple.
Dr. Eggman is evil, not Sonic.
i think it is Silver
Yes, he is evil.
there is no Silver the hedgehog movie, but Silver isn't dead.
Silver The Hedgehog. He is a hedgehog that can fly. Rumor has it, Silver and Blaze the cat like each other and are a couple.
Silver the hedgehog because he is cuter
Dr. Eggman is evil, not Sonic.
i think it is Silver
Yes silver the hedgehog the video game is avaiable for the wii.
yes he is a hedgehog from the future
The White Hedgehog is Silver the Hedgehog