No, the shiny DIALGA dos'nt give any added stats even if it is shiny or not however if you want to have a green DIALGA with a shine when it enters battles, why not?
well people don't give money for Pokemon but tradewise about a lv 100 DIALGA OR PALKIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to get a shiny dialga you will need an action replay (really hard to find) find tha code for shiny Pokemon on (when you go to youtube type in shiny Pokemon cheat for action replay it will have a video click on the video an don the left side it has a desciption hit more and they will have the code then after you get the master ball from team galactic's boss go to spear piller and talk to dialga and you will battle him he will be shiny so use your master ball on him because he is very hard to catch go to (i forgot what it was called. where dialga is.)and save right in front of him.turn off. if he isn't shiny then cut it will take some time but if you like shinys as much as i do, then it will be worth it
the best way to get arceas in Pokemon diamond might be hard for you but i bet you'll think it was worth it! i have all the Pokemon on earth and arceas might have been the second hardest to get you have to get 3 dialga's and 3palkia's then put all of them in your party then they'll morph together then somehow they turn into one arceas!! i was as surprised you are!!! it may sound impossible but i speak the truth!!!!You can also you action replay which is a lot easier FROM FPM
alas, its when the melancholy tone of the pearls moaning that he isn't worth as much as the diamond :(
Its not easy but its worth the try First get a Blaziken a Swampert And a sceptile at a level 100 trained legally without rare candy or any cheating device. Then get Groudon Kyogre and Rayquaza catched with a pokeball.(its hard yes) Then get a shiny Latias ( only latias) Then obtain all the gold symbols in The battle frontier with your Pokemon not traded. Then go to the daycare. The old man will give you an egg. Hatch it and from the egg it will hatch a shiny ditto. Put any Pokemon with this shiny ditto and the Pokemon in the egg will be shiny. Congratulations!!!
well people don't give money for Pokemon but tradewise about a lv 100 DIALGA OR PALKIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can get Giratina, Dialga, Uxie, Azelf, Mespirit, Heatran, Cresselia, and Regigigass. through Pokemon ranger you can get Manphy. through past events you can get Darkrai, Arceus, and Shaymin. You can get a shiny pichu through an event, he may not be legendary but its still worth noting.
to get a shiny dialga you will need an action replay (really hard to find) find tha code for shiny Pokemon on (when you go to youtube type in shiny Pokemon cheat for action replay it will have a video click on the video an don the left side it has a desciption hit more and they will have the code then after you get the master ball from team galactic's boss go to spear piller and talk to dialga and you will battle him he will be shiny so use your master ball on him because he is very hard to catch go to (i forgot what it was called. where dialga is.)and save right in front of him.turn off. if he isn't shiny then cut it will take some time but if you like shinys as much as i do, then it will be worth it
Pokemon dimond, because you can get dialga. you might not know but the legendary in Pokemon dimond is stronger then the legendary in Pokemon pearl [dialga is in dimond] But the best of all Pokemon is the legendary axolotl fire breather. His signature attack is the tail spike. i agree. i love Dialga> hey, pearls good 2.
a lot of money i would pay 200$ for that game
alot like 2 shinys
the best way to get arceas in Pokemon diamond might be hard for you but i bet you'll think it was worth it! i have all the Pokemon on earth and arceas might have been the second hardest to get you have to get 3 dialga's and 3palkia's then put all of them in your party then they'll morph together then somehow they turn into one arceas!! i was as surprised you are!!! it may sound impossible but i speak the truth!!!!You can also you action replay which is a lot easier FROM FPM
That is complicated. First, find a shiny Magikarp. You have to battle 8312 to find one, but it is worth it. Then evolve the Magikarp into Gyarados.
Well by "gold" Pokemon I think you mean "Shiny" Pokemon. Obtaining a shiny Pokemon is extremely rare and The chances of encountering a Shiny Pokemon randomly in the wild are a dismal 1/8192. There is a method for catching shiny Pokemon though, and this is considered the best way to obtain it, depending on how bad you want it, its all worth it. Here is a link to a video of how to catch a Shiny Pokemon using the Poke Radar:
Everytime you encounter a Pokemon (legendary and non legendary Pokemon) you have a 1 in 8192 chance of it being shiny. SO save your game before you fight the legendary and if it isn' shiny restart it. It took me days to find 1 shiny legendary but it was well worth it
You look on your map and see shiny sparkling things and walk over there and hit A on the wall and you will be mining and you can find fossils and stones and items worth a lot of money.
alas, its when the melancholy tone of the pearls moaning that he isn't worth as much as the diamond :(