Sally Acorn is in fact recognized as a character for Sega. Although she is recognized as a character, they do not recognize her as a part of their canon.
Games main canon: No he doesn't but SEGA has said Sonic will fall for Amy but it is not known when. Sonic X canon: He is in love with Amy Rose without a doubt. Archie canon: A squirell/chipmunk named Sally Acorn.
No. Sally and Sonic are a couple.
In Archie comic's.
Sally Acorn
In the comics, yes, Sally and Sonic are in love. But remember, the comics aren't canon.
Sally Acorn is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. In the current canon, she is alive and well. However, her presence and storyline can vary between different iterations of the series.
If you mean "like" as in "love", then it is somewhat unknown by canon. He loves Sally Acorn in the comics.
Sally Acorn has never kissed Silver the Hedgehog.
Games main canon: No he doesn't but SEGA has said Sonic will fall for Amy but it is not known when. Sonic X canon: He is in love with Amy Rose without a doubt. Archie canon: A squirell/chipmunk named Sally Acorn.
that's sally acorn and no she lived
Her full name is Princess Sally Acorn.
Sonic the hedgehog marries Sally.
No. Sally and Sonic are a couple.
Sally acorn