Rouge is neutral, she does whatever she needs to accomplish her goals, or the government's.
Knuckles has a crush on rouge the bat.
As in what do you think of Rouge the bat??? She's cool in my opinion, bit mature in how she clothes and behaves at times but cool.
Deviant art has some good games like that.
Because females have breasts.To make rouge hotter
You can create a costume of Rouge the bat.
Rouge is a large fruit bat.
Rouge was a white bat.
Rouge the bat is a Tomboy but she loves pink and purple.
Knuckles is often implied to have a crush on Rouge the Bat.
Noir the bat
Knuckles has a crush on rouge the bat. is an English site about Rouge the Bat and all other things about the Sonic Series
Of Course! In my opinion, they do! Rouge The Bat and Shadow The Hedgehog... They make a well couple, Rouge is a white bat, and Shadow is a black hedgehog. Now whoever is reading this, DO NOT TAKE THIS RACIST! THIS IS NOT RACISM! Thank you for understanding!!
Rouge the Bat's first game was Sonic Adventure 2.
Rouge the bat is a cartoon character. You need to realise that and get over it.
No. Rouge The Bat on Sonic 2 battle does not have any brothers or sisters.