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Yes Rainbow Neos is legal. A player can have 3 copies of this card in the fusion deck in both advanced and traditional formatted tournaments.

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Q: Is Rainbow Neos legal
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Can you use Future Fusion for Rainbow Neos?

Yes, "Future Fusion" can be used for "Rainbow Neos" by sending an "Elemental Hero Neos" and a "Rainbow Dragon" or "Dark Rainbow Dragon" from your deck to the Graveyard.

Can metamorphosis summon rainbow neos?

Rainbow Neos 'cannot' be special summoned except by Fusion Summon of the listed components. There is no way around this, not even cards like Metamorphosis or Cyber Stein.

How do you summon rainbow neos?

You use any appropriate Fusion Summon card (ie Polymerization) while you have Elemental HERO Neos and any 'Ultimate Crystal' monster such as Rainbow Dragon, either in hand or on the field.

What is the best elemental hero card?

In my opinion Shining flare wingman.all you have to do is fuse the cards for It and you already have 600 extra attack, and you have flame wingmans effect.the top 5 elemental heroes areelemental hero rainbow neos for pure powerelemental hero terra firm because of his ability to steal other e.heroes powerelemental hero divine neos because he can take effects from other creatureselemental hero mud ball man cause of his amazing defenceelemental hero neos because of his amazing array of fusionsin order its1.elemental hero rainbow neos2.elemental hero mud ball man3.elemental hero terra firm4.elemental hero neos5.elemental hero divine neos

What do you type to find elemental hero air neos pic?

Either the question is asking (1) what type is "E-Hero Air Neos" or (2) where to go and what to type to find pictures of "E-Hero Air Neos". "E-Hero Air Neos" is a Warrior/Effect/Fusion-Type Monster card. You can go to, click "Image Search", and type in "Elemental Hero Air Neos" to find pictures of it.

Related questions

What is 'Rainbow Neos'?

Rainbow Neos is a fusion card which you need the Elemental Hero Neos and Rainbow Dragon on the field or hand and use Polymerisation .

Is there ever going to be a rainbow neos card?

yes there is a rainbow neos card in japan

Can you use Future Fusion for Rainbow Neos?

Yes, "Future Fusion" can be used for "Rainbow Neos" by sending an "Elemental Hero Neos" and a "Rainbow Dragon" or "Dark Rainbow Dragon" from your deck to the Graveyard.

Is there a fusion with rainbow dark dragon?

Rainbow Neos is a fusion of Elemental Hero Neos, and either Rainbow Dragon, or Rainbow Dark Dragon.

Is there a fusion with rainbow dragon?

Yes, Rainbow Neos is the fusion

What does elemental heroe rainbow neos look like?

Well, the episode of Rainbow Neos has already been released and there are a lot of pictures of how Rainbow Neos looks like, he has a huge ressemblamce to Rainbow Dragon with the whats on it like the wings, hands, jewels, body, etc. While it's still got the basic shape of neos like all the Elemental Hero Neos Fusions look like.

Can you get rainbow neos in the legendary collection?


Can metamorphosis summon rainbow neos?

Rainbow Neos 'cannot' be special summoned except by Fusion Summon of the listed components. There is no way around this, not even cards like Metamorphosis or Cyber Stein.

How do you summon rainbow neos?

You use any appropriate Fusion Summon card (ie Polymerization) while you have Elemental HERO Neos and any 'Ultimate Crystal' monster such as Rainbow Dragon, either in hand or on the field.

Its name is derived from the greek word neos meaning new and didymos meaning twin?

Elemental Hero Neos, Elemental Hero Neos Alius, Neo Space, Elemental Hero Dark Neos, Elemental Hero Divine Neos, Elemental Hero Flare Neos, Elemental Hero Glow Neos, Elemental Hero Grand Neos, Elemental Hero Storm Neos, Elemental Hero Air Neos, Elemental Hero Aqua Neos, Elemental Hero Chaos Neos, Rainbow Neos, Neo Space Pathfinder, and Instant Neo Space.

Is rainbow neos an e hero?

Technically,in the traditional sense, it is classified as an Elemental Hero as it is an Elemental Hero Neos fusion, but as the card does not include the term 'Elemental Hero' it may not be classified as one in games, both virtual and real. Hence effects that affect E-Heros do not apply to Rainbow Neos.

Is there a rainbow neos?

Yes there is, its coming out in the next pack: Phantom Darkness as a ghost rare