yes, I've got my 90 year old gandma hooked on the game, if that doesn't prove it then i really don't know what will.
you walk around for ages and ages and it will eventually hatch
It's appropriate for all ages, but most adults would probably not take as much of an interest in it as kids.
they don't say the characters ages in the shows, but i think she is around 20.
There is no official Pokemon game that has all Pokemon catchable in it, which means you'll have to trade and transfer Pokemon from other games to get all the Pokemon. However, some fan-made hacks do have all the Pokemon catchable in them.
There is a patch for Pokemon Emerald with all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pokemon. Nothing with all the 493 yet
All the ages
Yes, It is !
If the teenager or adult enjoys pokemon, then sure
Pokemon is "G"rated. Pokemon is a show for all ages. Pokemon is fun for family. Pokemon belongs to Cartoon Network.Pokemon belongs with the other Cartoon Network shows such as Tom and Jerry, Powerpuff Girls, and Ed, Edd, n Eddy. If you still like Pokemon, remember it´s for all ages. This show is fun for teenagers and adults. Pokemon is seriously a family show, which means it´s for all ages, it doesn´t matter if you´re a kid, a teenager, or an adult. Pokemon is 100% an anime Pokemon is really an anime. Pokemon really belongs to Cartoon Network Pokemon is 100% a family show. Anyone who still likes Pokemon should remember it´s for all ages, it´s 100% fun for family. Pokemon is rated "G´
all the ones the do in the normal game but you have to get the darkness out or something (haven't played in ages)
yes anyone can play pokemon, and there are plenty of adults that play it.
yes I've seen people older than me playing Pokemon
Pokemon is meant for all ages. I know some people older than 12 who still watches Pokemon. Pokemon is a family show.
No, they designed it so that it would be fun for all ages, especially families.
Yes. It is suitable for Pokemon lovers of all ages, as long as they know how to use the Wii.
Pokemon is appropriate for everyone regardless of age. Pokemon is appropriate for all ages. Pokemon most of the time is enjoyed by teenagers. Pokemon really does gets enjoyed by adults. If you like Pokemon, and if you're an adult you can still watch Pokemon.