I don't think so. It's just a Pokemon!! now bye
Ash kill Pikachu because Pikachu is useless.
If you're talking about Ash's Pikachu then yes, Pikachu is a boy.A Pikachu can be a girl or a boy, but referred as an "it" in many of the games and in the Anime. Ash's Pikachu is a male, for his tail does not have a notch in the side.
Pikachu will evolve into Raichu when given a thunder stone. If you mean Ash's Pikachu, then it very unlikely he will evolve his Pikachu, as Pikachu is the Pokemon Franchise's mascot.
it is a bad word in spanish
Pikachu doesn't have shoes.
The word Pikachu is an electric mouse Pokemon. And, Yes, it can be an inappropriate word. For example, If you said, '' When you take a shower, I will Pikachu.'' Pikachu can also be known as ''Peek at you'' . Well, ''Pikachu'' can be an inappropriate word sometimes...
yes i am . i want a pikachu with surf so bad.
Sonic is pure speed and good attack not so bad defence, Pikachu has great speed and great attack but bad defence i guess depending on the skill of the player it could go either way who would probably win? Sonic.
Pikachu's name is Pikachu.
A Pikachu evolves from a Pichu.
A male pikachu can breed with a ditto or a female pikachu
There isn't such a thing as Pikachu 2. There's Pichu, Pikachu and Raichu, not Pikachu 2.
To breed Pikachu you need to leave a male Pikachu and a female Pikachu (or a Ditto and a Pikachu) at a daycare. If you wait a while, the female will be holding an egg.
Pichu evolves from pikachu than pikachu evolves from raichu.
Ash kill Pikachu because Pikachu is useless.
Four Volumes:#1. The Electric Tale of Pikachu#2. Pikachu Shocks Back#3. Electric Pikachu Boogaloo#4. Surf's Up, Pikachu