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It is not a legendary Pokemon. Rather, it's a common Pokemon that you can easily find in the wild.

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Q: Is Pawniard a legendary Pokemon
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What type of Pokemon is Pawniard?

Pawniard is a Steel and Dark type pokemon.

When does pawniard evolve in pokemon white?

Pawniard evolves into Bisharp at level 52.

When does pawniard evolve in pokemon black?

Pawniard evolves into Bisharp starting at level 52.

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Pawniard evolves into Bisharp at level 52.

What is the national pokedex number for Pawniard?

Pawniard is #624 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dark-Steel type Pokemon.

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Lv 52

What does bisharp involve from in Pokemon black?

bisharp evolves from pawniard

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routes 9 and 11

What level does pawniard evolve in Pokemon black?

lv 52

What level does pawniard evolve Pokemon black?

Pawniard evolves at level 52 into Bisharp.

In Pokemon white What level does pawniward evolve?

Pawniard evolves at lv52