The PSP is region locked only for UMD movies being played on the machine.
all games are region free and will work from anywhere in the world
A PSP 3002 is a PSP-3000 ('brite') for Australia and New Zealand. What it means is, the firmware is region locked to only allow Region 4 UMD movies to be played on it, though games from any region will work.
Yes. The games are region free, it doesn't matter where the game or the console comes from. PSP movies however are different, they are region locked, so read the case carefully when buying.
The number at the end is the region code. PSPs are region locked, but this applies to movies only, not games, a PSP from one region can play any region's games, but it may affect any online use. PSP-3000 is the general name for the 3000 series range, but '3000' specifically is the Japanese regional model, 3001 is North America.
Only the region they came from. This will determine what movies will play on it, as the movies are region locked (but the games are not). PSP-1000 is the general name for all PSP's of the 1000 series, as opposed to the 2000's and the 3000's. So a 1003, or a 1006, are all 'model 1000' PSPs from different regions. The region code will be printed on the bottom of the console. In this case, if the PSP has PSP-1000, then this is a Japanese PSP. If it has 1003, it is a United Kingdom PSP (Continental Europe has a different code, 1004).
Yes, It is not region locked
PSP consoles and games have regions, but the games are not region locked, you can play a game from the US on a console from the UK, for example. Movies however are region locked and can only be played on a PSP from the same region.
All PSPs are region locked, but the UMD games themselves are not region specific. You can therefore play any PSP game on any PSP (barring the PSP Go which is different), however UMD movies are region locked just like DVDs.
Only UMD movies are region locked. UMD games are not region locked, so that would work fine.
Yes. PSP games are not region locked.
Yes, PSP games are not region locked, though PSP movies are.
Yes it should.
PSP games are not region locked, so yes.
PSP games are not region locked, any game will work on any region's console. Also, PSP games from England are just EU region PSP games anyway so are the same as you'd buy in Ireland.
A PSP 3002 is a PSP-3000 ('brite') for Australia and New Zealand. What it means is, the firmware is region locked to only allow Region 4 UMD movies to be played on it, though games from any region will work.
Games aren't region-locked on the PSP, so you just insert the UMD as normal and play.
The games will work, yes. PSP games are not region locked, but UMD movies are.
Yes. The games are region free, it doesn't matter where the game or the console comes from. PSP movies however are different, they are region locked, so read the case carefully when buying.