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Q: Is PBG a christian He sometimes refers to Jesus as Jeebus.?
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I believe it's a bastardization of the name, "Jesus." I've heard it on The Simpsons; Homer says, "Help me Gebus!" (Jeebus)

What does the cristian cross mean?

The Christian Cross refers to the cross which Jesus died on and signifies the importance of him.

Who is Jebus?

Jebus was the ancient city of the Jebusites where Jerusalem now stands.(Judges 19:10-11)(1 Chronicles 11:4-5) It was promised to Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 15:18-21; Nehemiah 9:8)

What does a wise men refer to?

The 'wise men' were refers to kings from east in Christian tradition. They were the group of people who met Jesus after after his birth. They are regular remembrance for Christian tradition such as Christmas.

What is a Christian's follower?

A christian IS a follower, of Jesus. it's not "a christian's follower" it's a christian follower (of jesus).

What does christman mean in German?

"Christman" in German typically refers to Christmas, a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Is the trinity a pagan ritual?

Actually the trinity is a Christian term. It refers to the Christian belief the God the Father, Jesus Christ, His Son, and the Holy Spirit are three separate entities, but are also one and the same. So, in short, no, the trinity is not a pagan ritual. It's a term that refers to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Do Christian believe in Jesus?

Yes, being a 'Christian' is to be a disciple of Jesus 'Christ.'

Who was in charge of Jesus?

If you are looking at the Christian religion. Only the Christian God can control Jesus.

Why is Jesus important to the christan religion?

Without Him, there IS no Christian religion. Jesus IS the Christian religion.

Is Jesus a christian god?

Yes, Jesus is son of the one and only God in the Christian faith.

Where does the name Christmas come from?

:Christmas comes from the words Christ and mass. "Christ" refers to Jesus Christ, the Christian messiah; and mass is a religious ceremony or celebration.