No. Le is not allowed in Scrabble.
La and also Lo (i.e. behold). Ly may be acceptable, depending on whether the Chinese fruit can be a Ly Chee or only a Lychee.These are the three legal Scrabble words from the TWL, (the North American Scrabble dictionary):lalilo
A Scrabble word is an English word that you can use in the Scrabble game.
Git is a playable Scrabble word. It is listed as a Scrabble word in Merriam-Webster's Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. The word means to get.
No. Voci is not a Scrabble word.
No. Le is not allowed in Scrabble.
The french word for penguin is "le manchot" (le mawnsho) or if it is a female penguin "la manchotte" (la man-shut). Another French word for penguin is "le pingouin" (le peng-wa).
le lapin = the rabbit
le jelous le jelous
Le fond, le bas.
The French word for Ditto is "Idem."
The english word for "Le Royaume Uni" is : The United Kingdom
The French word for "the cat" is "le chat."
le :)
le chat (le cha)
The Swedish word is: Le
The words 'le fromage' mean the cheese. In the word-by-word translation, the definite article 'le' means 'the'. The noun 'fromage' means 'cheese'.