Pretty much. And it's SOUL silver not shiny gold -_-......... You just get like a few different pokemon in each game. No biggy.
Yes the same way you get shiny Pokemon in the other Pokemon games is how you get shiny Pokemon in heartgold. There is a free shiny Pokemon in the lake of rage.
I believe you can get a Shiny Stone in HeartGold in the Pokèathlon Prize Corner after you get 5000 Points.
The Shiny Stone does not exist in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal it was added when Diamond and Pearl came out and if you're referring to Pokemon HeartGold, the Shiny Stone can be found at the National Park and can be won if you come in 1st place in the Bug Catching Contest.
You can buy the Shiny stone at the pokeatholon dome
To get any Shiny Pokemon, you need: LUCK
no. You cant. Best shot is Pokemon Shiny Gold which is different but same at the same time.
No there is only heartgold and regular gold
Yes the same way you get shiny Pokemon in the other Pokemon games is how you get shiny Pokemon in heartgold. There is a free shiny Pokemon in the lake of rage.
yes they're the same game
well there are no common shiny Pokemon in heart gold but i have seen a shiny garados's and a shiny medapod. so maybe garados.
The move Superpower can be tutored to Machamp in Pokemon HeartGold.
No such thing! i think your talkin about HeartGold or SoulSilver. Ask again so i know what you are talkin about!
Well, if you mean Heartgold then you can only get it from trading from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum games ( : ^ (
I believe you can get a Shiny Stone in HeartGold in the Pokèathlon Prize Corner after you get 5000 Points.
The Shiny Stone does not exist in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal it was added when Diamond and Pearl came out and if you're referring to Pokemon HeartGold, the Shiny Stone can be found at the National Park and can be won if you come in 1st place in the Bug Catching Contest.
Yes, it is possible to get a shiny Pokemon in HeartGold. Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare, and sometimes you may never encounter them in the game.
You can buy the Shiny stone at the pokeatholon dome