Just get both! On diamond/pearl/platinum go to jubilife city, go to the GTS and search for the two.
Hippowdon is a Ground type pokemon.
Drapion is a poison type Pokemon
Drapion is a dark and poison type pokemon.
Drapion cannot be evolved. It is already at the most mature stage.
first aaron has drapion,vespiquen,dustox,beautifly,heracross,and that's it.the second bertha a ground type has hippowdon,sudowoodo,whischash,golem,
Hippopatas is what evolves into hippowdon.
you can find hippowdon on route 228
Hippowdon is a Ground type pokemon.
Drapion is a poison type Pokemon
(aZ):the goodest combo for drapion is close combat because drapion is a ground type that's how it is
Drapion is a dark and poison type pokemon.
Drapion cannot be evolved. It is already at the most mature stage.
the gaurdian of the hippowdon temple is cresselia.
Drapion can be found sometimes in the great marsh. You can also find a Skorupi in the great marsh and raise it to level 40 where it will then evolve into a Drapion.