yes and so fari there ice bulla gt vegeta ling hair ssj gohan 40 new guys and yes and so fari there ice bulla gt vegeta ling hair ssj gohan 40 new guys and 50 yes
Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball GT. There have been rumors about a fourth series called Dragon ball AF, but many have dismissed it as false as there is a lack of validity. Yes that is true but There is new one's (Not listed in order) So Dragon ball Dragon ball Z Dragon ball GT Dragon ball AF Dragon ball Absalon And i think i don't know but possibly Dragon ball yoshi? i actually don't know That may be a series Dragon ball, Af, Absalon, And yoshi (I don't know if this is one) Have not been aired but is still a work in Progress Ok thats all cya guys :D
The original story of Dragon Ball. The true inspiration of the story is based on the Monkey King in Journey to the West, a Chinese folklore. Originally, the creator Akira Toriyama intended on the original manga to be titled Dragon Boy.
woah i heard that it is a cool game ok return to the point we can easily unlock him by complet the game or going to complet it You have to get an a,b or z on the last mission this is the true answer Get Ending A (Can be obtained by not letting enemies destroy any city in the last chapter
well thare are rumors going around about a new dragon ball z its called dragon ball z af the charactors are gonna look way diffrent and thare will be a super sayin 5 no it will not come back and yes the rumours about dragonball af is true but it will not air u can read the manga by going Google and typing in dragonball af mang but only the first volume the rest are yet to be made (spoiler) te first villain to fight is called xicor and he's like a clone out of goku's DNA created by the west supreme Kai
yes u can get a dragon amulet by taking that quest ......... and i can prove it 2 u all ...... becus i get my dragon amulet when i fininsh the quest...............
On the top of the wii you open the latch and there it is. well, that is true, but do check on the game case to see if it can be played with it, on the list of usable controllers.
Dragon Ball af is a Mixed Dragon ball z Mixed Dragon Ball Gt.But Dragon Ball Af never was true any way
You need Vegeta as your second character (1-5 characters are able to be used). If you didn't pick Vegeta you cant do it and I know that must suck and you think Budokai 2 and 3 are better which might be true. You need Vegeta as your second character (1-5 characters are able to be used). If you didn't pick Vegeta you cant do it and I know that must suck and you think Budokai 2 and 3 are better which might be true. When you are in Dragon Universe you have to follow the story line almost exactly.
Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball GT. There have been rumors about a fourth series called Dragon ball AF, but many have dismissed it as false as there is a lack of validity. Yes that is true but There is new one's (Not listed in order) So Dragon ball Dragon ball Z Dragon ball GT Dragon ball AF Dragon ball Absalon And i think i don't know but possibly Dragon ball yoshi? i actually don't know That may be a series Dragon ball, Af, Absalon, And yoshi (I don't know if this is one) Have not been aired but is still a work in Progress Ok thats all cya guys :D
Yes of Course
Dragon Ball - 1986 The True Colors of the Masked Man 3-23 was released on: USA: 23 November 2002
no the af meant April fools but it looked cool
The original story of Dragon Ball. The true inspiration of the story is based on the Monkey King in Journey to the West, a Chinese folklore. Originally, the creator Akira Toriyama intended on the original manga to be titled Dragon Boy.
Yes in japan its true dragonball af will coming 2010
Dragon Ball AF is a series of Dragon Ball tales which is, to answer your question, fictional. It was created as a concept of what would come after Dragon Ball GT. It was created by fans of the Dragon Ball Series who could not stand the end of the Dragon Ball GT series. First of all Dragonball AF is not real and if it was it would have been over and done with by now. Akira has moved on to developing other mangas. If DBAF is not even real then why did I even leave more up? Because it is still cool to look at the pictures that many talented fans have made and ponder.
woah i heard that it is a cool game ok return to the point we can easily unlock him by complet the game or going to complet it You have to get an a,b or z on the last mission this is the true answer Get Ending A (Can be obtained by not letting enemies destroy any city in the last chapter