No, Sadly it isn't. But you do get to play both Nero and Dante during the game. (different times) It's still worth it, I love that game.
No there is no devil may cry 4 on the PS2 The devil may cry 4 game is only for the PS3 and Xbox360 i hope that helps
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devil may cry 3
devil may cry 5 is not made
Vergil is not in the 4th game.
No there is not a Devil May Cry 6, only 4. A new devil may cry is in the making, DMC. Though it is the 5th game using the Devil May Cry name it is the first game in a reboot of the series.
Yes Devil May Cry 4 is also on pc
No there is no devil may cry 4 on the PS2 The devil may cry 4 game is only for the PS3 and Xbox360 i hope that helps
i enjoyed devil may cry 4
No it is not. However, there is this one part of the game where the second player can control Dante's shadow. But no it it is not two player.
The Devil May Cry 5 is a video game released by Ninja Theory. The fifth installment of the game was released in 2013.
Devil may cry 4 is a game that picks up after the events of the first devil may cry. It features a new character, nero, as well as the usual hero, Dante.
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Devil May Cry 5 hasn't been announce yet, so where did you come up with this information
No there will be and Devil May Cry 5 but i don't know when.
Devil may cry 4