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My opinion is yes. I think it's a very good and rare pokemon. But the problem with Deoxys is about the moves it learns. Here's what I mean (Note: You catch Deoxys on Birth Island, at 30 lv.):

At 33 levels, Deoxys learns Pursuit.

At 41 levels, Deoxys learns Psychic.

At 49 levels, Deoxys learns Snatch.

At 57 levels, Deoxys learns Psycho Shift.

At 65 levels, Deoxys learns Zen Headbutt.

At 73 levels, Deoxys learns Cosmic Power.

At 81 levels, Deoxys learns Recover.

At 89 levels, Deoxys learns Psycho Boost.

And last, at 97 levels, Deoxys learns Hyper Beam.

See? If you check it out by yourself, you'll see that there is only a small amount of moves that are good enough for Deoxys to be taught (Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Psycho Boost and maybe Recover). Hope I helped :)

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Where do you get Deoxys in Pokemon Platinum?

If You Want A Deoxys In Pokemon Platinum ,Migrate,Trade,Or Use The Action Replay Pokemon Modifier.

How do you get a Deoxys in pokemon indigo?

You will need beat the elite four in Pokemon Indigo in order to obtain Deoxys. After beating the elite four Deoxys will randomly spawn.

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In national pokedex, #386 is Deoxys