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Yes, the Curse website (and Curse Client) is safe to download addons with.

However, like all other sites that have ads (advertisements), you can be infected with viruses from the technology that is used for the ads (specially flash ads). This is mostly true for any site that has ads, Yahoo, MSN, MMO-Champion, and others.

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Q: Is Curse Client a safe website to download WoW add-ons?
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Related questions

Is Curse Client a good thing to have?

The Curse client is a pretty good piece of software to have if you either have trouble installing addons manually or if you want to upgrade your addons faster.

How do you add addons?

The easiest way to get addons and install them are with one of the two major addon clients, The Curse Client (requires a curse account) and WOWInterface's Minion. To manually install an addon, you need to download it to your computer, unzip it if it is zipped and then move it to your %wowfolder/interface/addons/ directory.

How do install World of Warcraft add-ons for a Mac?

You should download the curse client and download the addons via that, on my computer the addons automatically go to the WoW addons folder located in the interface section of the WoW folder.

What is the safest place to get wow add-ons?

You can download a client from Curse (see related links below) that makes it sooo much easier to download add-ons too. WoWInterface also has a client that lets you download and install addons from their site. Both sites are safe.

Which is better wow interface or curse?

Wow interface is good for beginner and curse is the website you use to find addons

What programs do you need to download an add-on for WoW?

In general all you need for downloading and using an addon are WoW itself and a web-browser to download the addon from a third party site like wowinterface or curse. That said, there are addon-control packages like the curse client, which allow you to download and update many addons from a central program.

How do you fix your quest helper on wow mine just broke don't know how to fix it?

I recommend downloading the Curse client from from the Curse client, you can easily manage your addons, including: adding new ones, deleting current ones, updating current ones, finding information about all of them. The Curse client and an account is absolutely 100% free. Hope this helps, SL56AJH

Wow quest helper mods?

The Quest Helper mod for World of Warcraft can be downloaded from the Curse website listed below. You do not need the curse client to install it to your game, although it makes it easier. Just install it like any other addon, to your addons directory of your WoW interface folder.

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Download the addon. You can usually find this on the Curse Addons website (listed in the links). Save it. Then move it to your addon folder in your World of Warcraft folder. To find the folder go to your wow folder, then interface, and inside that should be addons. Next time you are at the character screen an addon button will be on the lower left.

How do you make quest helper from curse work?

You need to put the addon in to your addon folder. The easiest way to do this is download the curse client (free) and then anytime you want a new addon just install it via the "Install VIA Curse Client" button.

What do you have to install or download to get questhelper version 1.1.8 off of

You need to put the addon in to your addon folder. The easiest way to do this is download the curse client (free) and then anytime you want a new addon just install it via the "Install VIA Curse Client" button

What are some websites where you can download add-ons for WoW?

There are two major sites that deal with World of Warcraft addons. Curse and WoWInterface (See related links for the addresses). Google code is starting to have more and more addons as well, however, those are a little harder to find.