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Broly is a bad guy because he is the main enemy of Goku

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Q: Is Broly a good guy or a badguy?
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Who kills broly?

Goku. The first time, he punched him where he was stabbed when he was little by this random guy. The second time, Goku came back from the spirit world and had a nice little heart to heart with Broly, and killed him for good. The only reason that Broly is a monster in movie 11 is because they cloned him by using his blood to make a copy. Lord Jaguar was going to use the clone of Broly to defeat Hercule Satan, and smear his winning reputation.

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Broly vs Goku is what episode?

Ah, what a delightful question. The epic battle between Broly and Goku can be found in the movie "Dragon Ball Super: Broly." It's a beautiful clash of power and determination that will surely inspire your own creative spirit. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the colorful brushstrokes of their fierce encounter.

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C.O.P.S. - 1988 The Case of the Baby Badguy's Return was released on: USA:14 November 1988

What movies does Goku fights broly?

goku fights broly in movie 8 or when goten and gohan fought him, but broly still comes back as bio broly.

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you have to fight the first battle in the broly saga goku vs broly