No he obviously ain't lol he's in a game so how can he be real?!?
no its fictional
yes so was alex mason they changed there names to cover up there identiy and black ops is real and there was a opertiaon 40 when the bay of pigs was happening Hudson was preddient kenndy bodygard when he got assiancenated reznov was murdered in the war
No he is a special forces operative in the game Call of Duty Black Ops. He is not someone who founded Treyarch which was founded in 1996 by Peter Akemann and Doğan Köslü (born Don Likeness), and acquired by Activision in 2001.see related link
victor is a soviet Russian communist who planed to break out of vokuta with a 8 step plan, many were killed in the break out but only few ascaped alex mason was one of them. victor did not make it, he knew good would come out of mason as he hellped him and trained him to ascape. @see stuff on mason
alex mason from black ops 2 dies from frank woods or can be saved by shooting him 2 times in the leg
no its fictional
No, he's is just a creation of Treyarch.
hes not real
no he was just a character name for black ops
Mason is Alex's British boyfriend, real name Greg Sulkin. :) x
It is uncertain, but probably Alex Mason.
No, Alex Cross is not a real person. Occasionally telling the difference between the two can be difficult.
Mason likes Alex but Alex thinks he is cheating on her so one I she sees what his secret is .....he is a werewolf. Then Mason, Alex ,and Justin go to Transylvania and Mason gave Alex a heart necklace. They find the mummy but that's the least of there worry's. Mason accidentally said to Juliette that he loved her . Then Alex and Mason go find the true love necklace in Transylvania.While they were there Justin and Juliette go to Transylvania.Mason and Justin start to fight and Juliette joins in.When Alex does find the necklace Mason got bit by Juliette and Mason scratched Juliette.Mason truly loves Alex but he is a werewolf for ever now.And Juliette will look her real age 2,568.So none of them can be with each other.
"A Year Without Rain" by Selena Gomez (who plays Alex).
after Juliet's and mason's fight, mason scratches Juliet, and Juliet bites mason. it has said that if a werewolf scratches a vampire, then it will reveal a vampire's real age. and if a vampire bites a werewolf, it would turn into a werewolf forever. and alex and Justin ends up losing Juliet and mason. :)
Answerer 1: Alex is the main character and mason is her werewolf boyfriend they are probably on about their relationship. Answerer 2 (mx439): Alex Mason is the main character of Black Ops.