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kai's dranzer ms broke in episode 48 g revolution

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Q: In which episode of beyblade did dranzer break?
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What Beyblade is better dranzer g or dranzer gt?

on the overall dranzer g is better

Does Kai still have his dranzer bit beast and Beyblade at the end of Beyblade G revolution?

yes he does at the end of last episode you can see him and Tyson battling and they both call out their beasts

What is the dark dranzer cheat in beyblade g revolution?

As of 2014, there is not a listed cheat for a Dark Dranzer for the game Beyblade G Revolution. This can only be unlocked with gameplay.

Does dranzer v2 the beyblade have a engine gear?

no, it has magnacore

How does Kai lose Dranzer in Beyblade G Revolution?

Kai loses Dranzer in G Revolution because he is beaten in the match against Zeo, who takes Dranzer upon his victory. However, Dranzer is later returned to Kai by Tyson, when he beats Zeo in the finals. Actually Kai's beyblade falls apart after his match with Brooklyn in G-Revolution, and it seems that Dranzer is gone (Kai says "You're free"). However, it is seen that Dranzer is back with Kai in the last promised-friendly-match with Tyson.

Where can you buy a dranzer MS Beyblade online or in Maine?

you can buy it on eBay

What is the best tornado beyblade?

The best beyblade in g revolution is brooklyns beyblade zeus ur face. the best bey in toy is dranzer. in cartoon its dragoon then dranzer then stupid zeus.

Does kye still have dranzer beyblade?

Yes, KAI (not kye) still has his Dranzer even after his battle with Brooklyn (even though he tells Dranzer he's freed). He still has it because Dranzer is a Phoenix (mythical bird) and they are re-born from the ashes of their death. so Dranzer will pretty much not die at all, 'cause he can be re-born.

What is the first Beyblade ever made?

The first Beyblade ever made was Dragoon Dranzer. It was released in Japan in 1999 as part of the original Beyblade toy line.

Can you get black dranzer in Beyblade super tournement battle?

everyone thinks im dumm but i say mabye u can get it.

What is the first rarest Beyblade called?

The first rarest Beyblade is called the "Ultimate Frostic Dranzer." It was a limited edition Beyblade released during the Plastic Generation series and is highly sought after by collectors.

Is Beyblade Metal Fusion finished?

Yes BeyBlade Metal Fusion had finished. Its last episode was episode 52!!!