Sonic made his first appearance in a game in 1991.
Sonic was born on day 162 of the year 3220 on the Planet Mobius
According to the Sonic the Hedgehog Technical Files, Sonic was born on Christmas Island.
The anagram of sonic the hedgehog "sonic the hedgehog."
BORN (obviously)
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic The Hedgehog(SatAM) Sonic Underground Sonic the Hedgehog The Movie Sonic X
The first game called sonic the hedgehog from 1991
Sonic the Hedgehog was born on Planet Mobius.
According to the Sonic the Hedgehog Technical Files, Sonic was born on Christmas Island.
The first ever drwning of sonic the hedgehog was made in 1989
Sonic is younger.Shadow was created 50 years before Sonic was even born.
sonic the hedgehog was born on Christmas island sonic the hedgehog was born on Christmas island
Sonic was popular from his introduction in 1991.
Sonic the Hedgehog was created in 1991.
The anagram of sonic the hedgehog "sonic the hedgehog."
Yes, Sonic the Hedgehog is a good gift for a 17 year old boy.
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 has been delayed. It will not be releasing until later this year.
sonic the hedgehog
Among the population born since 1970, Sonic the Hedgehog. Otherwise, Woody Woodpecker.