You can get it in Pokemon Yellow (Gameboy) and all Mystery Dungeon Titles.
No, you can't get Pichu as a Starter. But you can breed a Pikachu with a Ditto at the Four Island Daycare to get one, but you have to beat the game in order to do that.
How can it?It never was and it never will.
Pikachu is not available as a starter in the Gold version. he is only available in the Yellow version only.
You can find Pikachu in the dreamworld, but not in the regular game.
Yes, but you need the Pikachu on a Pokemon Stadium 1 game (for the N64)
While you can catch it in Viridian Forest, you can't get it as a starter. In Pokemon Yellow, an original Gameboy game, you can get Pikachu as your starter.
His starter pokemon is Pikachu.
You get Pikachu at the beginning of the game, after you can get Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle. (:
You can't
Techincally all of them. Pokemon Yellow has only Pikachu, though. :)
Pikachu is the starter Pokemon for Pokemon Yellow. You get he/she at Professor Oak's Lab in Pallet Town.
When you begin your starter is Pikachu, you can't change that. It has to be Pikachu.
The starter Pokemon for (Red, Blue, Green, Fire Red, & Leaf Green) are: Bulbasaur lvl 5, Charmander lvl 5, and Squirtle lvl 5. The starter Pokemon for the other Generation I game, Yellow, is Pikachu.
You can only get it as a starter Pokemon.
No, you can't get Pichu as a Starter. But you can breed a Pikachu with a Ditto at the Four Island Daycare to get one, but you have to beat the game in order to do that.