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Draining Shield can be found in the booster packs Ancient Sanctuary, and Dark Revelation: Volume 2.

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Q: In what booster pack can you find draining shield in?
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Millenium Shield was never released in a booster pack, it was part of the McDonalds Promotional Cards - Series 1. It was only available at McDonalds restaurants during a special promotion.

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You can find "Black Garden" in the booster pack Crossroads of Chaos.

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You can check online and find a list of the cards in the booster pack. is a good site for this; just type in the name of the booster pack into the Search engine there.

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You can find it in Phantom Darkness booster pack although it is a SUPER RARE card

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How much cards are in a booster pack?

I'm pretty sure there are 9 cards in a booster pack.

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Like all booster packs every booster pack has 9 cards in each pack

How many Yu-Gi-Oh cards are in a booster pack?

there are 9 cards in a booster pack but 5 cards in each yousei pack with 2 booster packs inside.

Where can you find stardust dragon?

Stardust Dragon can be obtained in "The Duelist Genesis" booster pack.