The hypnodiscs are in Thrillville Giant and are located all over the park. You must find all 6, so look carefully!!
i hope they do
Emo Skater Girl
You find the traitor and you see Mortamor at the end and he talks to you then it shows the credits.
It's at Sunnyville up these stairs that look like sand and by the lighthouse.
Thrillville happened in 2006.
Thrillville was created on 2006-11-21.
2: Thrillville and Thrillville: Off the rails.
Al Karumba's briefcase is located on top of the lighthouse in Sunnyville, Thrillville Holiday.
Thrillville - 2006 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:E10+
no. but you can flirt
That is the last park on the Thrillville DS and I think it is very hard to do the last mission.
The traitor is Tim twinklefingers
There is Thrillville action replay codes. I dont know any yet though
Thrillville - 2006 VG was released on: USA: November 2006 (Playstation 2 version)