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Yes you can the vampire sim can do the same as a normal sim.

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Q: In the sims 3 can you make vampires get married?
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How do you make a vampire in Sims 3?

Sadly, there are no vampires in the sims 3. Yet, you can add the additional game Late night, which adds vampires.

Are there vampires in Sims 3?

No i dont think so.....(sadly) you can only make them look like Vampires in The Sims 3 (Update* Yes, there is on a new expansion pack for the PC version of Sims 3. As for the console versions, it may be a work in progress. Keep your fingers crossed!)

How do you become a vampire in sims3?

in the sims 3, your sims can not become vampires.

Are there vampires in the sims 3?

Yes, but only if you have The Sims 3 Late Night expansion or The Sims 3 Supernatural expansion.

How do you find a vampire on Sims 3 just Sims 3?

You can't they only have it on Sims 3 Late NightYou can also get them in Sims 3: Supernatural.

How two vampires can marry sims 3?

The same way any two sims can marry in the Sims 3

Does the sims 3 nightclub for PC have vampires on it?

yes it does

Are there vampires in the Sims 3 pets?

I have Sims 3, and they do not have Vampires. Though they may create an expansion pack in which they have Vampires. (Like in Sims 2)

Can Sims become vampires in the original Sims?

No they cannot. Only in The Sims 2 or 3. Hope this helped!

How do you get married on sims 3 ambitions for the iPhone?

You can get married on the Sims 3 ambitions

How do you make sims get married on The Sims 3?

You Either already have them married in the create a character or, you make two sim's have really good relation ship and then they can get married. P.S you can have a private wedding or you can make a wedding party on the phone.

Will there be vampires in Sims 3?

yes. i can't wait for it to come out! can you?