open all the baskets in the forbidden village and then you will find three brown sculptures randomly place all around the lot. pick them up and find the altar, one of the altars is in the place where there was the head thing with blue eyes - the shrine. i still havent found the other 2
Get rid of any tombstones or urns you may have. You can use a cheat to delete them, or you could have your Sims to move out of the house they currently live in. Leave the tombstones and urns on the lot. Don't place them in your inventory. When you move out and move back in the tombstones and urns should be gone and no more ghosts should haunt you. You could also try selling the tombstones and urns. Basically, as long as you have these items on your lot, ghosts will continue to haunt your Sims.
· umps · urns · uses
Runescape Accursed Urns give a bonus experience of 375 exp. To fill the urn you have to have the urn in your inventory and kill lesser or greater demons. The ashes will automatically go into the urn, and can be teleported when full.
After adding the appropriate rune to the urn, just take it with you. If it is, for example, a woodcutting urn, it will get filled while you train woodcutting. Prayer urns are a special case - they are only filled while you kill certain monsters that normally drop special ashes (like the infernal ashes).
open the baskets int that area and a gohst will place them by a certain basket. kasper94 I have opened all of them did not find anything
no. they will not sell when the sims all die or move out and the ghosts will haunt the new sims that move in.
sims will haunt your lot no matter where they are buried (outside, inside-and pretty sure-on another lot) unless they're tombs or urns are destroyed.
Get rid of any tombstones or urns you may have. You can use a cheat to delete them, or you could have your Sims to move out of the house they currently live in. Leave the tombstones and urns on the lot. Don't place them in your inventory. When you move out and move back in the tombstones and urns should be gone and no more ghosts should haunt you. You could also try selling the tombstones and urns. Basically, as long as you have these items on your lot, ghosts will continue to haunt your Sims.
Urns that are used for cremation can be found and purchased from a crematorium. Check the local ones in the area. They can direct and provide a funeral service.
The leading seller of pet cremation urns online is Best Friend Services at . If you would like, you can also find pet urns online at traditional retailers such as and . The best place to look online for urns and other funeral things is They specialize in cremation and burial urns and would be a good place to start your search.
The Sand from the Urns was created in 1948.
There are a lot of different types of cat urns. On the website 'memorial gallery' one can find a lot of different types in all different colors and materials.
Delete all the urns and graves on the lot like any other object, and ghosts won't appear. But beware, once you delete them there's no way to get them back. Other option is, if you have one of later expension packs, that's also allows sims to have their own inventory (I believe every EP since Nightlife on has this option) you can place urns and graves in the inventory of some sim living on the lot, either for all the time or only during the night, as ghosts only appear then.
it means you have a long diccckkk
Urns or cremation urns for ashes of deceased. Coffin or casket for bodies. Vaults could enclose either at a Mausoleum.