Adventure quest world is really cool and it has PVP sword battles
ociu812 gives you the awesome evil sword!
kill the skeletons at sword haven
well there are 2 the legendary magma sword wich you could only get from quibbler contibler and the the reign bringer witch you get from swordhaven level 5 sword shop
Complete the second quest from the amateur juggler in greenguard forest.
nkldwq s[pa
its a game for the computer in which you collect squiggles and defeat an angry penguin. In fancy pants 2 you attempt to get a snail shell in a hole in a golf type way to get different colors of pants(optional) and you get back an ice cream that a rabbit stole from you. In Fancy Pants 3 you save your sister, Cutie Pants, from pirates with a pencil(when you find it) as a sword.
There is no beam sword in aqw.
my opinon it is probely star sword or any of miltionus weapons
fuv k his as
Not avalabile anymore
in swordheaven
A quest from Tom foolery.
Oicu812 = Skullwrath sword Thirteen1 = Badger Helm Dragonkhan8234280 = dragon khan sword
u battle them as many time till u get there sword i got it already
Adventure quest world is really cool and it has PVP sword battles
call 250-505-1612