Nothing. Even on veteran. It's pointless.
how do you beat level 12
how to beat level 40 in BLYM
heely cant beat level 10
You have to beat the Level 5 castle in mini Mario form.
blimp plane machine gun
Nothing. Even on veteran. It's pointless.
You don't
What exactly are you talking about? Do you not know what a level is? It's a particular part of the game and when you beat it you move onto the next one.
you have to beat each level on a higher level like a three star and not just a one star mode.
You play it.
you play the game and once u reach level 80 and beat it you go to barracks and select prestige mode and enter it to prestige
yes i did and then they gave me 10,000$ because i beat that level if you do that level and beat it you will be rich
Go to silver trench 99F then throw him a blue gummy and then beat him up with your friend bow and then he will join he is in level 30 badly
A beat level is another term for the musical beat or meter of a piece.
Yes, the single player campaign should average about 7-9 hours depending on skill and difficulty level.
You beat every level until you beat the last level.