Its when you would help your buddy when its in need.I have one instance of assistance How?By helping him up.I used the hose to cool him off because he was on fire but when he fell ground he was on his side laying down saying things like help and all so I got the open hand and grabbed him :D
No you cannot kill Interactive buddy. The game was designed so you could play....forever.
interactive buddy is pretty boring.
Well it came out today! i hope you like it!YES
No, but keep checking addictinggames()com to see when it just might be.
To get him mad, use the missiles, and to make him happy, use the radio and the bouncy balls.
when hes up side down flip him over:)
type in interactive buddy with guns on google and check all the links that come
Interactive buddy 2 has guns and new stuff the guns are the pistol the shotgun and the machine gun, these are under the gun category, the stun gun is in the miscellaneous category
No you cannot kill Interactive buddy. The game was designed so you could play....forever.
Interactive Buddy 2 can be played on a large number of websites. The Interactive Buddy 2 website is a good place to start looking, after which websites like Addicting Games and Y8 also have the game.
go to
Tom Fulp
yes but they won't be interactive
Hit backspace.
yes to play it go to on the wii internet and it should let you play interactive buddy. Ps you need wi-fi internet connection