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Ok, first of all, YOU CAN'T DYE WOOL. You have to put the wool in the yarn maker first. Then put the yarn and an herb into the Dye Pot and you get a colored yarn. (I believe this works with all color herbs.) Though, I believe shiny yarn gives you more money.

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Q: In harvest moon magical melody how do you dye wool?
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In Harvest Moon Magical Melody how do you get the best kind of wool?

Take good care of your Sheep. The happier it is and the more hearts it has the more likely it will give you better quality Wool. Brush and feed it everyday. And let it outside when the weather is good.

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Once your Sheep is fully grown you can sheer it's wool every seven days.

Where do you get dye on Harvest Moon Magical Melody?

Michael sells Dye Pots, and for dye you need different colored herbs. Such as orange herb will make orange wool.

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He loves animal products, such as milk, butter, eggs, cheese, mayonnaise, and wool. :) You will earn hearts the fastest with these.

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Brush your sheep everyday. It will happen.

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You must toss Wool into a Yarn Maker Machine.

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After you put a couple flowers in the bin in the Town Square, she'll show up at the Flower Festival. After that, she'll come down to your town on the weekends, if the weather is nice. Huge storms make it so no one can do anything! After shipping a lot of things, jewelry, flowers and other things of that nature (maybe wool or something? Just ship lots of stuff) she'll eventually open the shop. :)

How do you get hining wool in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

It's all about luck. There is no actually way to get it. You just sheer the sheep and if it is shining wool, whoo hoo! Also, the more your sheep likes you, the more likely you will get shining or perfect wool.

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You have to befriend Ellen and then you must give her any size of wool during decemeber.