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Actually the game doesn't tell you when you are pregnant. The mayor sends you a letter saying that he thinks you and your wife or (if your playing as the female main character) then you and your husband, should start to think about having kids. You probably already know about this but just in case you don't you also have had to have the scene where your spouse wants a kid. You have to have your spouse at 14 hearts for that scene to happen. Hope that helps and good luck with the birth!

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Q: In harvest moon animal parade how do you know if you are pregnant?
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Talk to your cow. If she is pregnant your character will mention how see and her baby is doing. If your character does not mention a baby then your cow is not pregnant.

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Where do you meet the with for the first time in harvest moon animal parade?

Go deep inside the Fugue Forest and you'll see a house. Go inside and you'll find her there. I don't know if I'm right because right now I'm still looking for the witch inside the Fugue Forest myself.

How do you know when female is pregnant?

before or after she gives birth? And are we talking human or animal

If you are pregnant can you still milk your cows in harvest moon sunshine?

Sure, Although I don't know what being pregnant would have to do with playing a game, unless you're getting dizzy or something.

I'm playing Harvest Moon Animal Parade and I want to know why my baby doesn't have any heart points. Is it because of the cheat I have on?

The reson why you do not have any heart points on your child is because you have to earn it by making the baby happy . It took me awhile to get my child up to one heart . But it usally takes a week or to to get a heart . Hope this helps .

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How do you know when the female is pregnant?

Please tell us in your question what particular type of animal you are referring to.