sorry to say to all you chomp fans but ace is better.E.g ace is quicker, he has got cooler moves and he's a carnivour.
No, not by a long shot. It depends on what type of dinosaur king you're talking about really, but he is neither the strongest on the game or the anime. Both Chomp and Terry are stronger than Ace, and secret dinosaurs are extremely powerful. But Ace, being a wind type, is very agile and speedy.
You get Ace the same way you get Chomp but you have to be Rex in order to get Ace. If you are Max than you will get Chomp. First you have to beat the game to unlock the stone circle. Then go to Europe and go south. Turn right and go down until you can't go down anymore. Then turn left and you will see all the elements as stones all around what looks like a big, skinny rock. Run on the stones to enter a code. The code to get Ace/Chomp is: Lightning, Grass, Fire, Earth, Water, Water, Lightning, Fire. Once you do that you will appear in the middle. The big, skinny looking rock will blink and then the words "the seal on the ancient shrine has been broken." will appear. After that happens go across the little bridge that is on the left. Then go down and you should see a little dirt ramp. Go on the ramp and go right. There should be a building that looks kind of like a steel house with open doors. Go in there. Once inside run to the middle. There should be a closed treasure box. Once you open the box you will receive your card. If you are Max you will receive Chomp. If you are Rex you will receive Ace. After you leave the Shrine (steel building/house) it will lock again and the doors will appear closed. When this happens you will have to go back to the stone circle and enter another code to unlock it again and get a different card.
you can only kill him when you have less than 10 hp, that's the only time he can take damage.
Well we think that its better than that and i think the psp is old so i think the ps2 is better
Torkoal is better than slugma because its attack and defense is much higher than slugma.
This is an opinion question. It is safe to say, however, that he is, because he has the best win-loss ratio (meaning that he has much more wins than losses compared to other dinosaurs).
No, not by a long shot. It depends on what type of dinosaur king you're talking about really, but he is neither the strongest on the game or the anime. Both Chomp and Terry are stronger than Ace, and secret dinosaurs are extremely powerful. But Ace, being a wind type, is very agile and speedy.
Short answer: NO. No matter what they say. It may have a similar plot synopsis, it may have the same voice actors, but dinosaur king is an entirely different and (in my opinion) better anime/manga/game than pokemon.
You can also watch Dinosaur King on 4Kids official website, and on DVD.
the best type of dinosaur is spinosaurus. it had large arms, unlike t-rex. and it had a long mouth so it can kill its prey easily. and there are even results that spinosaurus is way better than t-rex. people should consider spinosaurus the king of the dinosaurs.
Singh Better Than King was created on 2009-11-16.
Adrian Drake King has a better ring than Drake Adrian King.
they can probably be eaten by a bigger dinosaur than them
It depends what dinosaur and what type of tree
no, king's dominion is much better and cheaper.
According to consumer ratings, King Palace Buffet is better than Hometown Buffet. King Palace Buffet also has more of a variety than Hometown Buffet.
there is a dinosaur that was about as big as a kitten it was mussaurus