In dwakel. (/join dwakel) You keep going, through the dwakels in the 2nd scene.You fight the Barrier Bot and walk through when you killed him and there you are! Mithril man! Hope I helped!!
You need to get the secret map and then you click on it and then you find the coordinates and you also need to get the dwakel decoder before you do anything the dwakel decoder is in the crash site
it is in your map
look in the world map in greengaurd
Just type /join dwakel the and you will be transport there.
it is in dwakel
You must get the fist the J6 secret hideout map, and type in the chat box, /join dwakel. Then find the shack witrh a boiler, and press the red button on the boiler. You'll get a Dwakel Decoder. (The map is a drop from the Sketchy Dragon in pencil puddle.
First you must go to the pencil puddle in aqw and go to j6s ship and fight the dragon until you get a secret map. Get the dwakel decoder in the crash site and then enchance the map and put it on and click it. Move the mouse over the map until the decoder changes and click.
in the crash site or just type /join dwakel...
A great place to train is in Dragon Lair , Citadel and in the Dwakel Crash Site.
You can 1)Deafeat the the Scetchy dragon and get it 2)Enchant it and equipt the map 3) Go to crash site (/join dwakel) go up to where Dwakel warrior and Dwakel blaster are then go to the left building there should be a Flamethrower dwakel and Dwakel warrior inside behind the warrior dwakel there is a red little dot/button click it then it sais if you want to keeep dwakel decoder then click yes....If u have the map equipted then click on it and the map will pop up 4) it might be on youtube sadly i cannot make a video but its shows on the map when the dwakel decoder turns green click then itle take you to this old western place you have to do evryones quests
the dwakel decoder searches tiny crystallized dragon's must get J6 secret hideout map and use the dwakel decoder to find hidden places..
In dwakel. (/join dwakel) You keep going, through the dwakels in the 2nd scene.You fight the Barrier Bot and walk through when you killed him and there you are! Mithril man! Hope I helped!!
Crash site on the map
First find J6 Map and Dwakel decoder and next open map try to find saloon and go to j6 at saloon answer his questions and he will give you code that you need to find the hyperium on your j6 secret hideout map and in hyperium get pass secruity robots then get his card and go to missions and first mission zephyrus!
In AQW, you can get gold by typing, /join dwakel, and clicking the lady and taking her first 3 quests and fight the dwakels 8 times and it usually equals 10,000.
You need to get the secret map and then you click on it and then you find the coordinates and you also need to get the dwakel decoder before you do anything the dwakel decoder is in the crash site