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Darkovia is an area that has not yet been available to anyone who plays AQWorls because The Artix Team havn't yet created that area

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Q: In aqw how do you get in darkovia?
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Where do you get vampire class on AQW?

go to darkovia =)

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From the main screen of the Darkovia Graveyard (/join darkoviagrave) go all the way west (left).

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How do you get to darkovia in AQWorlds?

This is no pacific map called 'darkovia'. Darkovia is a name of an area of places in AQWorlds.

How get to darkovia in adventure quest worlds?

Darkovia is the name of a region. There are many places to go to in darkovia. An entrance to darkovia is from Screen 3 of greenguard east to darkovia graveyard or from the tunnel in the twl=ilight zone (/join twilight).

How do you get in darkovia in AQWorlds?

Darkovia is a little area on the map that's just north-east of Greenguard Forest (the area with a green star on it). You click on Darkovia and pick which area you want to enter. Did You Know: -Darkovia is home of Lycans (werewolves) and Vampires! -Darkovia is where Wolfwing is found! -Darkovia is a dark green color on the map.

Is there a place like darkovia in dragonfable?

Well there isn't darkovia but there is a town called amityvale where zorbak is located but there isn't Darkovia. Hope i Helped

Aq worlds how can you get into darkovia?

Click the map and find the place named darkovia

How do you get to darkovia in AQ?

open the travel map and click on darkovia. easy-peasy!

Where is non member pvp in AQW?

there is no non member pvp anymore they changed it so members and non members go into the same place...there used to be one which was on a darkovia map and it was for non members but now theres none.

When is darkovia open in AQWorlds?

It is now open.

Where is second chaos lord the twins?

in darkovia