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in the beginning just wait for the guys to not look at You and go for the door

but do not go so fast and dont stay to near hom that much

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Q: In Yu-Gi-Oh stardust accelerator How do you get past the security?
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How do you get past the securities in yu gi oh 5ds stardust accelerator?

its a puzzel to get pase them but dont make them see you or the will send you back to your post.

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First of all you cant run because you'll be spotted straight away - try to make sure that you are not in sight of the guards otherwise you will be reset (obviously you would know that) and the ideal way would be walking near to them. This part of the game is just trial and error but there are videos on youtube as well

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Yes, a broken or disconnected accelerator cable is the likely cause for the accelerator pedal to quit working. The car will still run fine but will not be able to accelerate past idle.

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The past perfect of "security report" is "had secured reported."

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poo and then you will fly past the pinkerton security

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Not sure yet...